Found The eatwell plate in the category of Free Courses.
Free Resource; Learn about nutritional, dietary and hydration needs using the eatwell plate and the Food Triangle to inform employers, individuals, schools and social care organisations of healthier options.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Introduction to Nutrition & Healthy Eating, the Digestive System, Healthy Eating, the 5 Major Food Groups, Salt Intake, Water Consumption, Healthy Eating Choices, Food Labelling, Food Allergies, Healthy Snacks
The eatwell plate Related Tags: healthy eating, healthier snacks, nutrition, hydration, school, enterprise initiative, allergies, dietary needs, food groups, social care, food, labelling, the eatwell plate, food triangle, eating, health and safety, salt, water, level 1, award,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Fire Marshalls and Fire Wardens theory, including fire extinguisher types, fire doors, emergency lighting, emergency evacuation and other fire safety management concepts such as the fire triangle, conduction, convection and radiation.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Fire & Emergency, the Fire Triangle, Heat Transfer, Causes of Fire, Fire Doors, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Emergency, Bomb Threat
The eatwell plate Related Tags: fire marshall, extinguisher training, evacuate, emergency lighting, evacuation, health and safety, foam, water, co2, dry powder, wet chemical, risk, warden, smoke, intumescent, fire door, bomb threat, compartmentation, flammable, level 2, award, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Understand computer workstation safety (DSE) such as the chair, screens and peripheral equipment including foot rests and wrist supports to safely improve pain and discomfort for your colleagues.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: What is Display Screen Equipment, the Purpose of a DSE Assessment, DSE Assessor Tool Kit, Individual Vulnerabilities, People
The eatwell plate Related Tags: dse, workstation, safety, monitor, screen, display, posture, ergonomics, occupational health, health and safety, msd, updated, level 3, award, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Free Courses.
Free resource; learn about healthy eating, mental wellbeing, the importance of rest, healthcare and exercise, in addition to raising awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Health & Wellbeing, Healthy Eating, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Supporting Innovation, Mental Health & Mental Wellbeing, Rest & Exercise, Occupational Health & Healthcare
The eatwell plate Related Tags: healthy eating, healthier snacks, nutrition, hydration, school, enterprise initiative, allergies, dietary needs, food groups, social care, food, labelling, the eatwell plate, food triangle, eating, stress, mental health, wellbeing, health and safety, csr, rest, exercise, occupational health, level 1, award,
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Found The eatwell plate in the category of Free Courses.
Projects created by Students and Colleges for key occupational health messages, with a range of different approaches, a mix of communication skills and interviews from the tutors and key influencers.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: LOcHER Concepts, LOcHER Highlights, Developing New Approaches, LOcHER Competitions, Blackpool & the Fylde College, Preston's College, Dundee & Angus College, Coleg Gwent, South Essex College, LOcHER Pioneers, LOcHER Recognition, Make It Happen
The eatwell plate Related Tags: locher, students, colleges, occupational health, workplace, lung disease, asbestos, mesothelioma, asthma, injury, health, safety, developing new approaches, innovation, learning, occupational health, communication skills, interviews, popular,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Essentials for office safety, fire and emergency, work life balance, stress, accidents, computer workstation safety (DSE) as well as home working, manual handling and bullying.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Display Screen Equipment, Manual Handling for office environments, Slips Trips Falls, Inspections of the Workplace, Accidents & Incidents (RIDDOR), Information Sources, First Aid, Substance Misuse, Asbestos Awareness for Office Environments, Fire & Emergency, Portable Electrical Equipment, Safety Signs, Occupational Health, COSHH, Work Equipment/Plant for office environments, Electrical Work, Working at Height for office environments, Lone Working and Home Visits, Driving & Transport, Work Life Balance & Stress, Harassment & Bullying, Visitors, Young People
The eatwell plate Related Tags: induction, workstation, manual, handling, home working, inspection, fire, health and safety, harassment, pat, wellbeing, stress, slips, trips, falls office, dse, display screen equipment, workplace, coshh, accidents, incident, asbestos, substance misuse, bullying, lone, expectant mothers, occupational health, risk assessment, safety signs, visitors, equipment, work life balance, young person, popular, level 2, award, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Computer workstation safety (DSE) training helps avoid; back, neck and wrist pain (RSI). Workstation ergonomics discusses; posture, position of arms, legs, head and how the wrist support and foot rests may help or hinder existing injuries or vulnerabilities.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Display Screen Equipment, What does a computer workstation include?, Checking your Workstation Setup, the Work Chair, Lighting, the Desk, Breaks and Changes of Activity, Sit-Stand Working, Mobile Devices, DSE Assessment, Home Working, Work Routines, Verification of Understanding
The eatwell plate Related Tags: workstation safety, computer set up, dse, display screen equipment, screen, health and safety, ergonomic, work chair, footrest, stress, msd, popular, standing desk, multiple screens, office, lighting, remote working, home working, tablet, laptop, updated, level 2, award, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Free Courses.
Help students to learn about occupational health and communicate the risks to their peers with new approaches to tackling occupational diseases. This Free Resource is Tailored for Colleges.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: the LOcHER Project, About the LOcHER Project for Colleges, the Making of the LOcHER Project for Colleges, LOcHER Why It Works, LOcHER Feedback, LOcHER Why It Matters, LOcHER Benefits for Stakeholders, LOcHER Sharing Experiences
The eatwell plate Related Tags: LOcHER, occupational health, risk, Isocyanates, behavioural safety, motor vehicle repair, incentives, exposure control, respirator, breathing apparatus, students, young learners, apprentices,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Understand active listening skills, manipulate situations with a range of behaviour techniques, using social influencing theories with interactive scenarios.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Behaviour Change Introduction, Influencing in the Workplace, Active Listening Toolbox, Communication Scenario - Peter & Head of Finance & Resources, Planning for Behavioural Change, Communication Scenario - Peter & Warehouse Operative, Useful Social Influencing theories, Personality Types & Character Traits, Communication Scenario - Peter & Chief Executive, Using a 3rd Party in the Influencing Process, Communication Scenario - Peter & Warehouse Manager
The eatwell plate Related Tags: risk, behaviour, change, safety, health, influence, positive, culture, compliance, commitment, trust, crisis, customer service, active listening, establishing authority, level 3, sales, business, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Education specific safety; Preventing Radicalisation, SEN Assessments, lone working and anti-social behaviour including school trips, emergency plans, as well as the core principles such as computer workstation safety (DSE), manual handling and fire safety.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Health & Safety Awareness for Schools, Display Screen Equipment, School Driving & Transport, COSHH, School Trips/Events/Activities, Risk Management, Home Working, School Workplace Inspections, Manual Handling, Noise Exposure, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Working at Height, Anti Social Behaviour, DBS Checks, the Prevent Duty, School Emergency Plan, Actions Following Incidents, Lone Working & Home Visits, SEN Special Educational Needs, Epilepsy, Accidents & Incidents (RIDDOR), Asbestos Awareness, Drugs, Alcohol & Substance Misuse, Fire & Emergency, First Aid, Harassment & Bullying, School Information Sources, Legionnaires Disease, New & Expectant Mothers, Occupational Health, Electrical Work, Portable Electrical Equipment, Risk Assessment Introduction, Safety Signs, School Slips Trips & Falls, Managing Guests/Visitors, Work Equipment & Plant, Work Life Balance & Stress, Young Persons, Needlesticks
The eatwell plate Related Tags: university, school trip, SEN, SENCO, Emergency Planning, CRB, Criminal Records Bureau, health and safety, dbs, teacher, college, student, board of governors, governor, ofsted, prevent, level 2, award,
Read more about Health & Safety Awareness For Schools Course...
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Understand assessment of chemicals and other hazardous substances, exposure levels and suitable control measures to comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: CoSHH Assessment Introduction, CoSHH Assessment Foundations, Exposure to Chemicals, CoSHH Control Measures, the CoSHH Assessment, CoSHH Regulations, Human Factors
The eatwell plate Related Tags: CoSHH, chemical, exposure, substance, hazardous health, regulation, duty of care, health and safety, score, severity, likelihood, harm, employer, hazard, hse, assessment, risk, frequency, duration, level 2, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Understand mental health, interventions and presenteeism. Learn how to address early warning signs and returning to work, in addition how it impacts the business and the individual.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: the importance of good mental health at work, What is mental health?, Early warning signs and interventions, Prevention, Presenteeism, Return To Work, Making Reasonable Adjustments, Legal Responsibilities, Summary
The eatwell plate Related Tags: mental health, wellbeing, stress, trigger, presenteeism, absence, hr, human resources, human support, health and safety, level 3, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Understand your Data Protection responsibilities and how GDPR is used to protect confidential or sensitive information. This course explains Data Processing compliance, and the formal roles of the ICO, Data Controller, Data Processor and the Data Protection Officer (DPO).
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Introduction & Terminology, the GDPR, Who Regulates Data Protection?, Personal Rights under GDPR, Data Redaction, Data Processing, GDPR and Children, the Freedom of Information Act, Subject Access Requests, Cyber Security, Giving Consent for Others, Quiz Questions
The eatwell plate Related Tags: data, data protection, gdpr, dpo, controller, processor, data protection officer, confidential, sensitive, access, misuse, ico, compliance, rights, foi, sar, breach, cyber security, personal data, law, consent, data subject, rights, dsar, level 2,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Understand stress risk assessments, improve absence management and long term sickness outcomes and how this impacts on the individual, workplace and the business as a whole with proven methods.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: What is Stress & Work Related Stress, the Benefits of dealing with work related stress, Legal Obligations & Corporate Social Responsibility, What Actions Should you be taking, the Management Standards Approach, Completion of the Stress Risk Assessment, Stress Management Indicators, How Suitable & Effective are your Risk Assessment Methods, Dealing with your own stress, Useful Resources
The eatwell plate Related Tags: mental health, wellbeing, stress, risk assessment, corporate social responsibility, csr, absence, management standards, health and safety, depression, hr, human resources, level 3, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Free Courses.
Free quick Health and Safety info course. You have legal responsibilities, so learn about Training, Risk Assessment, Policy, Planning, organising as well as a positive health and safety culture for free today.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Introduction, Three Pillars of Health & Safety, What is Health & Safety Law?, the Importance of Health & Safety Training, When Should You Do Heath & Safety Training?, What is a Risk Assessment?, What is a Health & Safety Policy?, Why Care about Health & Safety Culture at Work?, Top 3 Health & Safety Tips for Work, Get Started & What Next
The eatwell plate Related Tags: health and safety, basic, training, course, risk assessment, policy, culture, law, management, stats, award, new,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Safety techniques for lifting with L.I.T.E (load, individual, task and environment) while considering bodily forces used when lifting to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: What is Manual Handling?, How the Back Works, Basic Principles of Manual Handling, Control Measures for Manual Handling, Factors to Consider (LITE)
The eatwell plate Related Tags: manual handling, lifting, lite, load, individual, environment, bodily force, transport, health and safety, msd, musculoskeletal disorders, technique, popular, level 2, award,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Learn how to prepare and store food to prevent poisoning and contamination. Including bacteria, cleaning, waste and pest control, personal hygiene and food safety management.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Food Safety Management, Food & Disease, Food Contamination, Preventing Poisoning, Food Storage, Food Preparation, Food Premises & Design, Cleaning the Workplace, Personal Hygiene, Waste & Pest Control
The eatwell plate Related Tags: e-coli, illness, food, hygiene, health and safety, restaurant, bacteria, kitchen, chef, porter, contamination, poisoning, food preparation, premises, cleaning, pest control, cross-contamination, level 2, award,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Understand legionnaires disease bacteria and how outbreaks can be avoided with maintenance of hot and cold water systems in commercial environments such as an office as well as industrial environments with cooling towers.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: History of the Organism, Types of Risk Systems, Legislation, Guidance & Risk Assessment, Cleaning and System Housekeeping, Record Keeping
The eatwell plate Related Tags: legionella, bacteria, legionnaires disease, outbreak, l-cysteine, L8, acop, cleaning, hot, cold, water, system, housekeeping, risk assessment, maintenance, outbreak, public, health, biofilm, control, temperature, vulnerable, spa, pool, cooling, drift eliminators, treatment, storage, tank, housekeeping, design, level 2,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Education specific safety with safeguarding; DBS Checks, SEN (Special Educational Needs), preventing radicalisation, School Emergency Plan, School Trips and accidents and incidents (RIDDOR).
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Safeguarding & Safety in Education, Safeguarding Children, Preventing Radicalisation, Young Persons, DBS Checks, School Trips, Events & Activities, Risk Management, Anti Social Behaviour, School Emergency Plan, Actions Following Incidents, First Response, Basic Life Support (adult, child, infant), SEN Special Educational Needs, Epilepsy, Accidents & Incidents (RIDDOR), Fire & Emergency, Safety Signs, Slips Trips & Falls, Harassment & Bullying, Drugs, Alcohol & Substance Misuse, Needlesticks, Work/Life Balance & Stress
The eatwell plate Related Tags: safeguarding children, abuse, exploitation, school, education, health and safety, dbs, crb, school, college, university, sen, senco, prevent, radicalisation, display screen equipment, workplace, coshh, accidents, incident, substance misuse, bullying, lone, expectant mothers, occupational health, risk assessment, safety signs, visitors, equipment, work life balance, young person, level 3, award,
Read more about Safeguarding & Safety in Education Course...
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Advanced management, 5 Steps to Risk Assessment (INDG163), HSG65 and case law to define principles including absolute, practicable, reasonably practicable and reasonable. Risk management including; COSHH, fire risk, hazards, control of contractors, accident management, legionella and gas service maintenance amongst other modules.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Duty of Care, Case Law, Understanding Risk Assessment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health, Driving and Workplace Transport, Electrical Work, Portable Appliance Testing, Control of Contractors, Manual Handling, Noise, Personal Protective Equipment, Working at Height, Accident and Incident, Asbestos, Fire and Emergency, Legionella, Gas Safety, Health & Wellbeing, Closing Summary
The eatwell plate Related Tags: rep, representative, hse, accident, management, law, managers, risk assessment, hsg, 65, safety coordinator, nebosh, fire risk, coshh, contractor, legionella, wellbeing, duty of care, case law, health and safety, hazard, audit, analysis, nebosh, popular, award, level 3, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Learn about Coronavirus, COVID-19 and Pandemics. We outline the physical symptoms and how a virus spreads. Understand how good hygiene including hand washing technique (demonstrated within the elearning) is the best way to prevent a contamination among a workforce.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: What is a Pandemic, Coronavirus Keypoints
The eatwell plate Related Tags: coronavirus, virus, pandemic, pandemic planning, business continuity, health emergency, COVID-19, hand washing, bacteria, safety, health, level 1,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
HSE 5 Step guide including hierarchy of control and managing; people, equipment, materials and their environment. Understand the initial and residual risk factors including the likelihood and severity calculations.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Significant Differences of Law, Risk Assessment, Monitoring & Review, Communication, Legal Requirements, Risk Assessment Examples
The eatwell plate Related Tags: risk, assessment, hse, hazard, employer, harm, likelihood, severity, score, health and safety, duty of care, level 2, award, cpd,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Business waste resource management so that every employee within the business can be more aware of how they manage business waste resources, to reduce our harmful impact on the planet.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Environmental Awareness Introduction, Business Wastes, What Can Your Business Recycle?, What Can You Do?, Why Recycle Electrical Waste?, Is 'Zero Waste' Possible?, Environmental Awareness Summary
The eatwell plate Related Tags: environment, waste, resource, landfill, reduce, reuse, recycle, impact, weee, electrical, pollution, energy, global warming, greenhouse gases, air pollution, climate change, new, level 1, award,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Safety Management Courses.
Essentials for dealing with coronavirus infection. Learn how to plan and action measures for the current outbreak. A guide to put into use now and have a pandemic plan to support business continuity which can be used for the next outbreak.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: What is a Pandemic, Coronavirus Keypoints, Business Continuity & Planning, Pandemic Departmental Keypoints, Pandemic Incident Management, Lessons from Coronavirus, Pandemic Takeaway Points, Recovering from a Pandemic
The eatwell plate Related Tags: coronavirus, virus, pandemic, pandemic planning, business continuity, health emergency, COVID-19, hand washing, bacteria, risk management, safety, health, bcp, level 3,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Free Courses.
Free Resources; Improve performance by boosting morale and create a positive health and safety culture. Learn from the community, others experiences and share your own.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Cake & Safety, Culture Change Tool Kit, Tasks & Activities, Gimmicks & Distractions, Training
The eatwell plate Related Tags: culture change, positive, resource, shared, experiences, morale, cake, health and safety, free resource, level 1, award,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Health & Safety Courses.
Exploring our own prejudices, ideas, attitudes, behaviours and actions to develop the ability to be more proactive and challenging in promoting equality and diversity in the workplace.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Equality, Diversity & Human Rights
The eatwell plate Related Tags: equality, diversity, diverse, anti-discrimination, discrimination, empower, perspective, rights, responsibilities, society, stereotype, attitude, gay, bisexual, transgender, lesbian, understanding, prejudice, damage, relationships, communication, background, ability, abilities, age, culture, religion, belief, gender, award, level 3, lgbtq, lgbt,
Found The eatwell plate in the category of Free Courses.
Free Resource; understand limited mobility, non-weight bearing people ascending and descending staircases. Using realistic scenarios we highlight the potential social inclusion and exclusion of accessibility.
Course Lessons, The eatwell plate Menu: Mobility and Accessibility
The eatwell plate Related Tags: mobility, wellbeing, accessible, disability, wheelchair, social inclusion, non weight bearing, weight, management standards, prm, persons with reduced mobility, health and safety, level 1, award,
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