SafetyMark Training

CoSHH & Risk Assessments Course

CoSHH Assessment

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4.7 / 5.0 |

score based on 58,506 total reviews.

This CoSHH & Risk Assessments Course learning outcomes include; Understand assessment of chemicals and other hazardous substances, exposure levels and suitable control measures to comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations.
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Level 2

Key-points of SafetyMark Training


£45 for Teams and Individuals

33% off for Business & Groups

77% off for Agency & Enterprise

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Bulk Pricing Explained

Organisations, Groups and Businesses training 25 or more people with this course pay £30 per person.

Larger orders from Agencies & Enterprises, training 100 or more people with this course, only pay £10 per person.

These bulk discounts are automatically applied at checkout for your convenience.

Why choose SafetyMark Training?
“Easy to use layout that is clear. No speed or refresh issues were experienced. There were one or two questions which mean the same thing just said using slightly different wording. Unfortunately I can't remember what question to give an example. Jargon kept to a minimum and explained along the way if it was used. In some instances it does seem like a lot of information to take in at once before the questions round. Could this be broken down in some way, it might make the experience more interactive and therefore more easy to remember afterwards.”
- Kaywana Q -
1 of 86, out-of 58,506 Reviews
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CoSHH & Risk Assessments Course Menu
Showing 8 of the 8 included eLearning lessons in this course. The whole course takes on average 42 minutes

Understand who is the course designed for, how it is organised and the key objectives.

Learn about the key principles such as Hazards and Risks, types of health effects, and the scope of the term 'substances'.

Understand the range of exposures, their method of use and how you can be exposed to chemicals based on the way we handle substances.

Learn about control measures and their order of preference for effectiveness, known as the Hierarchy of Control.

Understand the components of a CoSHH Assessment and how a risk matrix can help you to make a risk judgement.

Understand the key individual regulations including the 8 Principles of Good Practice.

Learn how the Individual, the Organisation and the Job/Task could all contribute to an error leading to an exposure.

All trainees receive a globally recognized & subject informative Certificate of Completion as proof of successfully completing the training. Certificates are permanently stored in your account, always accessible online, and downloadable in PDF format too.

About this course
Level 2
CoSHH & Risk Assessments Course

This online course includes all of the 8 lessons above. It is designed to develop the trainees CoSHH & Risk Assessments skills for health and safety compliance in the workplace, providing valuable real-world learning outcomes at a high speed. It's used by individuals, groups and businesses to train their workforce across industries including Education & Schools, Manufacturing & Engineering, Offices & Business Services, Retail, Government & Institution, Charities & NGO, Oil, Gas & Mining, Travel & Leisure, Care Homes & Domiciliary Care, Logistics & Maritime, among others.

Provided by SafetyMark Training based in Northamptonshire, it's accessible at anytime online from an internet connected device at work or home, such as a computer, tablet or smart phone. Teams have access to a highly rated LMS and all successfully completing trainees achieve a Certificate of Completion.

SafetyMark Training

CoSHH Assessment eLearning

This CoSHH Assessment course explains not only the thought process for assessing the risks of hazardous substances, but also the fundamental principles behind effective control of substances hazardous to health. We learn how to identify hazardous substances, the difference between Acute and Chronic effects and explore the various methods of controlling exposures.

The course explains the scope of the CoSHH regulations requirements, in that Hazardous Substances is a wider term including not only chemicals, but also biological materials, dusts and any other substance that can cause us harm. We look carefully at the new Global Harmonisation System (GHS) symbols, H codes and Precautionary statements to gain a greater understanding of the information provided within Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

Course Tags: CoSHH, chemical, exposure, substance, hazardous health, regulation, duty of care, health and safety, score, severity, likelihood, harm, employer, hazard, hse, assessment, risk, frequency, duration, level 2, cpd,

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